I am a senior undergraduate at Carthage College majoring in physics and mathematics.
I am broadly interested in relativity, specifically gravitational waves physics, and early-universe cosmology at the intersection of theory and computation. I have worked on gravity theory, open quantum systems theory and simulation, and materials theory research. I additionally have multiple years of prior experience with gravitational wave physics and data analysis.
I also have prior experience with experimental physics and software development.
I enjoy thinking about the intersection of math and physics with philosophy and how the former can be used to answer long-standing questions about the nature of reality, the mind, and free will that have plagued us for centuries.
January 8th - 25th Notice: I am currently part of an educational experience in southern Africa. By the nature of the countries I am in and the activities I am engaging in, I have limited access to service during this time. I am capable of receiving and sending texts, calls, and emails, but joining Zoom calls may be difficult without enough preparation. If urgent action is needed between January 8th - 25th, please let me know as soon as possible by email at avalentini@carthage.edu.