Below are topics I am independently studying or have independently studied with the books used and selected solutions I have written:
- General Relativity - A First Course in General Relativity by Bernard Schutz - Solutions
- Quantum Field Theory - Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur by Tom Lancaster and Stephen J. Blundell - Solutions
- Loop Quantum Gravity - A First Course in Loop Quantum Gravity by Rodolfo Gambini and Jorge Pullin - Solutions
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Information - Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Isaac Chuang and Michael Nielsen - Solutions
Please contact me if an error is found in any of my solutions.
Below is a collection of reports written for class projects throughout my undergraduate degree:
- Undergrad Review of General Relativity and Cosmology - For the final writing assignment in my Experimental Physics course, I justify the Einstein field equations from Newtonian gravity, derive the Robertson-Walker metric, justify one of the Friedmann equations, then review the modern experimental evidence of the homogeneity, isotropy, expansion, and flatness of our universe.
- Simulating an (n,m) Spring Lattice - For the ODE project of my Computational Physics class, I developed a simulation for an (n,m) lattice of points connected by springs. A 16x16 lattice animation generated by my simulation is given here.
- Measuring a Pendulum's Deviation from Ideality - For the first experiment carried out in my Experimental Physics course, I determined that the idealized model of a pendulum is insufficent to describe its motion at large angles.
- Comparing Chirp Mass and SNR Properties of Gravitational Wave Events in LIGO's Third and Fourth Observing Run - I apply basic statitical tests to LIGO's O3 and O4 data to compare the black hole merger populations observed in each and demonstrate the improved sensitivity of the detector from this.
- Thermodynamics of Rankine Cycles - For the second case study in my Thermal Physics course, I analyzed the basic thermodyanmics of a Rankine cycle and applyied this to modern power plants to assess their performance.
- Modeling Jupiter's Atmopshere - For the first case study in my Thermal Physics course, I first developed theoretical models for atmospheric conditions and applied them to data collected by the Galileo probe as it fell through the atmosphere of Jupiter.
- Designing and Optimizing a Dobsonian Telescope - For the final project in my Optics and Waves course, I designed a Dobsonian telescope based on Orion Telescope's SkyQuest XT10 model using software that my professor had developed and attempted to optimize its intital design.
- Derivation of the Wave Equation - For a presentation in my Math Methods course, I derived the wave equation by considering a string freely vibrating in a single spatial dimension.
- IceCube Data Analysis - For one of the projects in my Physics Portfolio sequence, I emplyed some standard data analysis techniques to determine if I could replicate the results of a paper published by the collaboration, which claimed a significant detection of neutrinos having come from a blazar, in a fast and dirty manner.
- The Linear Algebra Present in Lorentz Transformations - For the final project in my Linear Algebra course, I detail the linear algebra relevant to Lorentz transformations in relativity.
Below are links to short derivations I have written:
Below are links to additional notes I have written: